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White papers

From "If-Then" to Artificial Intelligence...
18 Uses of AI for Population Health

Despite several high-profile fits and starts, Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents one of the most promising technologies to improve population health. Last year, health executives identified AI as the most potentially disruptive technology to the industry. Goldman Sachs estimates that the technology can eliminate $28bn annually in payer and provider inefficiencies by 2025. Accenture is even more optimistic. Even if some of this hype is potentially excessive, AI will be a meaningful component of all population health improvement efforts going forward.  Click here >> 

What is in this "MACRA thing" for me...
Which elements of MIPS do patients want their doctors to most improve upon

MACRA is fundamentally changing how providers will be paid by Medicare.  Most providers will see their Medicare reimbursement tied to a complex performance metric— the MIPS Composite Performance Score.  This score is composed of four performance categories: providing quality care, improving the care process, better using technology, and controlling healthcare costs.  While success under this program will first and foremost require deep financial, operational, and tactical planning, we thought it would be important to understand what areas patients most wanted to see improve.  Click here>>

If Blood Sugars Are Rising Click Here...
Perceptions on ways to improve diabetes management in primary care settings

Today there are 30M diabetics in the US, or 10% of the population. The disease costs $245B annually. 86% of diabetics do not meet the recommended targets for glycemic control, blood pressure, LDL cholesterol level, and tobacco use.  With 79M Americans having pre-Diabetes the societal burden of this disease will only get worse. Today primary care physicians (PCPs) are delivering much of the diabetes care.  Growing prevalence of diabetes will require PCPs to do even more, including better addressing the disease’s clinical as well as its behavioral elements. This analysis surveyed 100 primary care providers on the challenges they face managing diabetes, as well as their interest in new tools and service which could make it easier.  Click here>>

Getting "A's" Across the Board...
10 Capabilities Delivery Systems Need for Population Health Management

Going forward delivery systems will see a marked increase in the financial risk they assume on their patient populations, greater purchaser transparency related to care quality and cost-efficiency, and growing competitive threats from both new entrants and reorganized incumbents. Whether systems choose to actively shape market conditions or take an adaptive posture, most will have to at least take on some responsibility for population health, moving from fee-for-service to at-risk and pay-for-value models. In doing so, they will become Population Managers.  Effectively managing populations so will require at least 10 new capabilities.  Click here>>

ROI of Mobile Consumer Engagement Post Healthcare Reform

In the wake of reform, health plans will need to serve the individual consumer as the purchaser of insurance, and at the same time shape their clinical decision making to reduce costs. These requirements come without any significant incremental financing. Winners will be health plans that deliver data-driven, actionable, personalized guidance to the consumer and their providers when and where it can most improve decision making. Fortunately, this monstrously large problem may have a palm-sized solution. Specifically, plans need to understand how smartphones can be integrated into existing workflows, and how best to quantify their impact on financial returns and population health.  Click here>>

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